When thinking about doing a detox – some people may think about drinking green juices and water all day. When it comes to cleansing (or detoxing) the liver, it’s not only about diet choices. Liver detoxification is also how we support our liver through supplementation and amino acids, like NAC.

NAC is a semi-essential amino acid that works as an antioxidant to support detoxification in the liver. The liver has two detoxification pathways and both have to function correctly for optimal detoxification – NAC supports both pathways. NAC contains several benefits such as converting into Glutathione, promoting a healthy immune system and digestion and may improve mental health conditions by supporting Glutamate. The dosage of NAC can be up to 2000 mg daily with minimal side effects.

When we’re talking about liver cleansing (detoxification) with NAC, it’s important to touch up on what NAC is, its benefits and how it’s supporting our liver detoxification. We’ll go through the detoxification pathways in the liver, dosage for liver cleansing and potential side effects of NAC.

What Is NAC?

NAC is also called N-Acetyl-Cysteine and is a semi-essential amino acid because our body can produce it from other amino acids such as Cysteine. NAC is part of a tripeptide (complex) of amino acids consisting of L-Glutamine and Glycine that turns into Glutathione. 

Since NAC is a semi-essential amino acid and a form of the amino acid Cysteine, it is essential to support Cysteine – and Cysteine is made from the essential amino acids Serine and Methionine. Methionine is an essential amino acid, which means we need it through our diet, but Serine we synthesize ourselves in the body.

To break it down, if we want to make sure we produce enough NAC, we need to support the essential amino acids through our diet as well.

NAC is known to have lots of benefits and is a potent antioxidant that helps fight free radicals and aids in liver detoxification of toxins and heavy metals. 

Benefits Of NAC

Besides NAC, being a potent antioxidant that aids in liver detoxification, the amino acids have other benefits as well.

NAC forms Glutathione, which is one of the most powerful antioxidants in our body – a combination of NAC and Glutathione will make a delicious cocktail of antioxidants. 

NAC is said to promote healthy immune function and support our digestion. Since most of the immune system is made of cells from our intestines, supporting digestion and getting enough antioxidants is important.

NAC may improve mental health conditions by regulating Glutamate. Glutamate is a neurotransmitter in the brain responsible for normal brain function – it stimulates memory, learning abilities as well as circadian rhythm, and it functions as an energy source for the brain, etc.

Research shows that NAC may be helpful in cravings for nicotine and marijuana.

Furthermore, NAC is said to help relieve symptoms of respiratory conditions by loosening up mucus in our lungs and airways.

The many benefits of NAC can help overall health – but let’s get into how it can cleanse the liver.

Does NAC Support Liver Detoxification?

According to studies, the amino acid NAC can help cleanse the liver of toxins, heavy metals and improve non-alcoholic fatty liver.

The liver is responsible for hundreds of processes in our body such as:

  • Storing and regulating nutrients 
  • Regulating blood glucose
  • Converting ammonia to urea 
  • Converting fatty acids and proteins 
  • Converting vitamins A and D
  • Assisting protein synthesis in our cells 
  • Playing an important part in metabolism
  • Breaking down alcohol, toxins and medications
  • Breaking down hormones 
  • Converting lactic acid to glucose 

…and the list goes on.

In a modern society of consuming lots of sugar, inflammatory fatty acids, drinking alcohol, using medications, dealing with stress or hormonal imbalances – our liver has to work hard to do its job. 

The gallbladder plays an important role in the equation as well – if gallbladder stones are blocking the bile duct, the liver holds on to the excess toxins.

A strained liver can give multiple symptoms such as:

  • Headache 
  • Fatigue
  • Irregular blood sugar 
  • Problems with cholesterol 
  • Inflamed mucous membranes 
  • Inflammatory conditions 
  • Itchy skin
  • Edemas 
  • Gastrointestinal problems

…and more.

To keep our liver healthy, we’ll want to take care of it and support it with supplementation such as NAC and a diet that aids in natural liver detoxification.

Detoxification Pathways 

The liver has two pathways of detoxification called phase 1 and phase 2.

In the phase 1 detoxification pathway, specific enzymes will break down toxins and hormones to smaller molecules. When breaking down toxins and hormones, the metabolic process is affected by nutrients from our diet (and genetics) and will either speed up or slow down the process. Heavy metals can slow down the process as well. This means toxins need to be eliminated in phase 2 as quickly as possible.

In order to support the phase 1 detoxification pathway, a healthy diet is essential. Furthermore, supplements containing antioxidants can help the process, such as:

  • NAC
  • Vitamin E
  • Selen
  • Beta carotene 
  • Reduced Glutathione (GSH)
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Vitamin B2 and B3
  • I3C

Our phase 2 detoxification pathway is a bit more complicated. When toxins, hormones, etc. are broken down into smaller bits, phase 2 is responsible for binding the substances to other molecules to make them water-soluble. When the substances have become water-soluble – they’re eliminated through our intestines or kidneys.

Phase 2 detoxification is just as important to support through diet and supplements. It’s especially through amino acids such as:

  • NAC
  • Taurin
  • Methionine
  • Cysteine
  • Glutamine 
  • Ornithine
  • Glutathione
  • Arginine 

It’s important to address that obtaining a healthy lifestyle and minimizing toxins can do wonders when supporting liver detoxification – but also supplements containing amino acids and antioxidants, such as NAC.

How Much NAC Should I Take To Detox?

In order to detox your liver by using NAC supplementation, it’s suggested to use 600-1800 mg daily – but it’s possible to use up to 2000 mg daily. Furthermore, it’s important to increase the amount slowly starting at 500 mg daily to possibly prevent side effects.

Disclaimer; If you have any medical condition, I recommend you talk to your healthcare provider before using supplements. 

Does NAC Get Rid Of Inflammation?

Yes, the amino acid NAC can be used in combating inflammation. 

Since NAC is an antioxidant it helps protect and fight free radicals, oxidative stress and inflammation.

What Are The Negative Effects Of NAC?

There are little to no side effects when using NAC to cleanse your liver and reduce inflammation – however, some people may experience:

  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating
  • Nausea 
  • Fatigue

The possible side effects also depend on the dosage – it’s important to remember to increase the dosage slowly starting from 500 mg daily.

Final Thoughts

NAC is an amino acid that functions as an antioxidant and aids in liver detoxification. In combination with a healthy diet and limiting toxins, NAC can be helpful for liver detoxification phase 1 and 2 – whereas combining with other supplements might be beneficial as well. 

Disclaimer; Users acknowledge that the information on the website ‘bringingyoubalance.com’ is provided “as is” and for general information only followed by my personal opinion. It is not intended as medical advice and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional consultation with a qualified healthcare provider familiar with your individual medical needs. Any advice you follow from this website is the users own responsibility.